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Creating the Green Bean Club emblem: A twin effort!

Updated: Feb 19, 2021

Written By: Anna and William Rallis

As 10 year old twins, William and I could not be any more different! William loves math, history, he loves to solve problems, and is very clever. I on the other hand, love writing, drawing, knitting and any chance to be creative.

Usually, we have a hard time working together because we think so differently and we don’t always agree with each other.

However, when we found out we had the opportunity to create an emblem for the new Green Bean Club this summer, for once we were beyond excited to work together and make something amazing for the club!

With our combined creativity and ideas I was hopeful we could come up with something our club members would be proud of having for the Green Bean Club. We did not want to let them down, so the pressure was on a bit.

First, let me explain to you my part of this fun project. I can be pretty picky and a bit of a perfectionist at times, which William just loves about me! I began with putting all of my creative energy and imagination into my mind and began thinking about my subject matter. I like to brainstorm and can get inspiration simply from what is around me. After I grabbed a piece of paper and began sketching the emblem, I knew this would be my first rough copy. It’s a good starting point for placing my ideas and thoughts down and William can also take a look at what I began to draw. I began with drawing the shape of a shield which makes a protective layer for the emblem. Then, on my second draft we put more details and added some dazzle to the drawing which is my favorite part....color!

We both agreed on green of course, and I thought yellow would be a nice compliment to green. We also decided to have black and white which are not real colors, but for us they represented action, boldness, and light. We wanted all these colors to be vibrant and bright because that is how we all are on the stage. I also added some texture, brightness and a few more details like the stars(because we shine like stars during our performances when we share the spotlight). The green swirls and yellow clouds were added for a little more tint and pop to the emblem.

Now it was time for more of William’s ideas on the emblem to be added. He wanted wings on the emblem to show the Green Bean Club’s freedom and independence with creativity. That is what makes GBC so much fun! He also felt having the two faces of comedy and tragedy were a must! The faces are ancient symbols from Greek theatre. Lastly, the crown was added which showed the club members are a loyal and regal group.

Although we had a lot of different ideas while working on this emblem and we made a lot of changes along the way, we are so happy with the final piece and we truly had so much fun creating and working together. Every time we work on a project for the GBC, it is always fun and rewarding! We realized if we put a team effort, time, originality and some artistry into this emblem for the Green Bean Club, it can become an original showpiece just like all the talented members of the club. We hope you like our Emblem and maybe William and I can work together again soon!

Written by: Anna and William Rallis

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